Monday, November 26, 2007

So Shy - A Haiku for You

You read my bloggings,

Yet comment you never do.

So shy, why are you?


Jen said...

I definitely know this wasn't intended for moi.

tt said...

I LOVE Haiku's!! Great pictures btw!

So,....exactly where did that come from....this Haiku thing? Too much time on your hands? Better get ready for Hawaii girl........

Allison Horner said...

Jen: Definitely not you, you're one of my "old faithfuls." ;)

TT: I definitely have too much time on my hands since classes ended & I can't start working until I am certified. You'd think I'd be studying 24-7, but that would make me crazy. I love Haikus, too. Always have. I made that little one up in like 2 minutes after a conversation I had with others about people who view my blog all the time but have never commented. I wonder who they are & if I know them.... ;)

I am so ready for Hawaii!! Just need my bathing suit, shorts, flip flops, sun screen, & sun glasses....what else is there? Oh, and snorkel gear. ;)

Also, I am back at the working out after a little break due to T-day & a little minor medical procedure.

I am ready!

tt said...

Uh...minor procedure???

Ian said...

Love the new layout,
infrequent commenting is,
due to my workload