Wednesday, March 14, 2007

March 14th...

I was told by my smart mathematician friend that it is Pi Day.

Do you know what else March 14th is? I have heard men mention it before and heard the DJ on a morning radio show I listen to talk about it. It is Steak & @* day. Catch my drift? Google it if ya don't know....

Does anyone actually celebrate this (a retorical question, please don't tell me if YOU do)??? Do you know others that observe this made up holiday???? Do men expect women to make this a holiday for them?????

I guess some guy made it up b/c his Valentine's day was poopie and he felt a month later he should get a special day....but man, how specific can you get with what you want!!!

Silly boys!


Jen said...

ahhhh. . . . Yeah.

I thought someone was kidding when they mentioned that this is an honorable day for the love of all things "meat". They. Are. Not.

ETK said...

Um. I definitely don't count as a "smart mathematician" but I'll take the friend part. :) No way am I scheduling a day for that. That's weird.