Thursday, March 15, 2007

Everyone is bipolar &/or has ADD, but there's nothing wrong with that!

I agree, there is absolutely nothing wrong with people who have bipolar disorder and/or some form of ADD/ADHD. They aren't crazy or bad people, sometimes they just need meds and/or couseling to function easier in everyday life. (Just as someone with high blood pressure needs meds to help stabilize their BP.) But I really don't believe that most people have these disorders. The reason I am discussing this matter is b/c a certain doctor that I have had contact with (not the psych doctor), is always stating how so-and-so patient is bipolar &/or probably ADD.....and "there is nothing wrong with that." (How very Jerry Seinfeld.) So is everyone is bipolar &/or have ADD? I asked him/her if they thought I was bipolar. "No, you aren't, you are too calm." Ok, well then later there was a conversation about ADD. As we were discussing it with a patient, I half jokingly said, "I wonder sometimes if I have a mild ADD." I have always had really good grades in school with mostly A's & have done well in all my jobs, but sometimes I do procrastinate, I am not the most organized person in the world (yet not a mess), and I do have to walk away from studying from time to time....or check email, read articles, blog, talk to the hubby/others, etc. But seriously, does this really mean I am ADD? Well, as I said this to the doc, he/she decides that maybe I should consider an ADD med to see if I will study better and do EVEN better in school. Yes, there are people who don't get diagnosed with ADD until they are adults. BUT me? ADD? I need meds? I am not convinced.... hmmm......


Jen said...

Geesh. I mean, who isn't a bit loony? But to throw everybody on meds? If I remember from my psych background, bipolars usually need the meds. They're in a tough situation. Lives such as theirs are not easy for either themselves and/or family and friends. Meds help them.

ADD - now that's different story. Should everyone diagnosed with it be on meds? I am not so sure. Especially in adulthood. It can and has helped adults as well as children, but it's so easy to throw meds at ADD's. I don't think it is right or fair to do so.

Allison Horner said...

I totally concur....

ETK said...

Wow - right on Jen. I mean, seriously - next thing you know all women will be on antidepressants for PMS, ADD med so they can study/work/concentrate better, uppers to wake up, downers to go to sleep, maybe a little meth to get the housework done...viagra to increase our sex drive (that the anti-depresents killed).

where does it stop?