Saturday, January 19, 2008

Things I Love!

Haven't done one of these posts in a while.....

1. Hubby is making me an italian dinner tonight. I LOVE THAT!!!! mmmm

2. I love, LOVE Sully's voice & absolutely love THIS song.

I HEART Godsmack.

What are you hearting these days?


ETK said...

I heart you!!! 'Cause you're a PA now!!! :)

Allison Horner said...

You're so cute, ETK!

Unknown said...

Yay for hubby's making italian dinners. Wish I had one of those...

Jen said...

Husbands are good. I heart mine. He's made me breakfast two days in a row now. Yesterday was scrambled eggs, toast and coffee. Today was waffles & tea. He even did the dishes today. I heart that immensely!

LOVED the Godsmack tune with Lisa G. That was awesome.

Allison Horner said...

Cinn: Yes, Hubbys are great! :) You'll have one someday. :)

Jen: Awww. That was sweet of your hubby! And Gosmack is sooo cool!

I was reading up on them & apparently they started as an Alice in Chains wonder I like them so much. Similar sounds (especiall OLD AIC). I also found out that the band name came from when Sully was making fun of someone one day for having a cold sore on their lip & the next day he got one. Someone referred to that as a "godsmack" & the name stuck. Funny. Note to self: Don't make fun of people with cold sores.... God might teach you a lesson... ;)

R.E.H. said...

I've actually never heard Godsmack... well, I've probably heard them - but I've never really listened to them, if you know what I mean.

I may have to check it out. Alice In Chains did a couple good tunes, at least.

Simply Curious said...

I heart my Mary Janes. Couldn't live without them. I'm also hearting the idea of getting a new tattoo...looking at that tribal sun isn't helping me fight the urge~!

Allison Horner said...

REH: Wha??? You don't know godsmack????? You're missing out, dude! :)

simply curious: Awww. I want some Mary Janes. Yes, that tribal sun is sooo awesome. I don't have any tats, but if I did, I'd have that one. :)

tt said...

I heart the universe today. And that 'most' of it's inhabitants. :)
And...that would be a GREAT tattoo for you! :)

Allison Horner said...

TT: I am glad you were having a love-the-universe day! :) That would be a fun tattoo, but I just don't know if I'd ever do it. Again, the permenancy of a tattoo kinda bugs me. What if in 10 years I hate? :) And where would I get it?