Sunday, April 15, 2007


Sooo, I just accepted my final financial aid package for my last 6 months in the program. I then totaled my ENTIRE amount of school loans that I have taken out for PA school. Let me just say.... HOLY CRAP! Man, I hope I get a good paying job. I can't believe how much 2.5 years of school + living expenses costs. The actual tuition at UTMB is not bad, but living expenses for 2.5 years sans me having a job to help pay for this is A LOT! I will be paying this off for A LOOOONG time. Man, I wonder how much debt people in 4 year grad school programs accrue.



Jen said...

I dunno about grad programs, but lemme just tell ya about the husbands. . . . In a nutshell, we could live in a nice house with the loans we are paying back.

However, the good thing with us was that he and I were both working during the time he was in school. Plus, he got a wee little salary while working for the school, but his moonlighting helped saved us immensely. These were our living expenses and we didn't have too much extra debt at the time.

I think, once you start your job, you'll see a huge difference in the take home bacon! Then, this tiny worry won't worry you as much.

I'm just glad to know that you continued to pursue your dream. That's really cool! I remember our talks about it, you catching up on undergrad courses while still working with mices and me being in awe of your determination. . . It's very impressive and moreso awesome!

tt said...

As time goes on your salary will continue to grow so not to worry. Like Jen followed your can't put a price on that's priceless!!

Allison Horner said...


