Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Today's Surgery

Yesterday was a long 14 hr day. I was POOPED! Luckily today was shorter. I got to sleep in until 7, had a educational breakfast meeting at 8am about head & neck cancers lectured by a doc from MD Anderson, did a few H&P's (patient history and physical exams) on a few sugery patients, and then helped in only one surgery. It was definitely an interesting one to say the very least. Today's surgery is was what is called a panniculectomy and was performed on a 380 lb man. This surgery is the removal of of the panniculus (also known as a pannus). I know Jen knows what this is (I remember when her doctor hubby told her what one was). Panniculus is a medical term describing a dense layer of fatty tissue growth, usually in the abdominal cavity. It is usually a result of morbid obesity. We removed probably about 45lbs of fatty tissue from this guy's belly. WOW! This will help this guy out immensely. Hopefully he will get around and take of himself better.

I should never complain about my body weight again!!!!!


Jen said...

Yes, the husband, once upon a time did tell me what a pannus was. To this day, he wishes he hadn't. . .

Never teach me medical terms. Never.

I'm also very good at making up my own. Today's word was "puscritch" (puncture and a scratch - located in the same wound).

Tune in tomorrow for more lessons. . . .

tt said...

Kind of put things in perspective doesn't it.
I can imagine how interesting the surgery was....what do they do w/ all that stuff anyway?