Wednesday, January 3, 2007

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

Cancer Basics: According to the American Cancer Society, about 9,710 new cases of invasive cervical cancer were expected to occur in the United States in 2006.Cervical cancer begins in the lining of the cervix when cells begin to change from normal to pre-cancer and then to cancer. This can take a number of years, although sometimes it happens more quickly.Cancer of the cervix is highly preventable. Regular Pap smears not only detect cancerous cells, but also abnormal changes in the cervix that can eventually progress to cancer over a period of 10 to 15 years.The five-year relative survival rate for the earliest stage of invasive cervical cancer is 92%, while the five-year survival rate for all stages combined is about 73%.

Reducing your Risks: In recent years, the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) has been found to cause 99% of cervical cancers, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS). Take action to reduce your risks of developing cervical cancer. M. D. Anderson recommends the following:

Women at average risk:
  • Liquid-based Pap test every two years beginning three years after initiating vaginal intercourse, but no later than age 21
  • Liquid-based Pap and HPV test every three years beginning at age 30
HPV testing is not recommended for women under age 30 as studies have shown HPV screening at this age to be ineffective.

Women at increased risk of cervical cancer should be screened annually. Take time to discuss your own risks with your health care provider who can best advise you on the screening exams that are right for you.

Women at lower than average risk should speak with their health care provider about less frequent screening:

  • Women age 70 or older with three or more consequent normal Pap tests and no abnormal Pap tests in the past 10 years
  • Women who have had a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus and cervix) as treatment for cancer or pre-cancer of the cervix.

From the M.D. Anderson website:

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