Sunday, March 2, 2008

What annoys you about yourself?

Do you have things about yourself that annoy you (& maybe others) at times?

One thing that annoys me about myself (sometimes) is that I am a repeater. I repeat stories that I tell other people because I can't remember whether or not I told them. AND SOMETIMES it is more than TWICE that I end up telling them. They are probably thinking something like, " I KNOW! YOU HAVE TOLD ME A MILLION TIMES! UG!" And I admit, sometimes I do know I have talked about it before, but am passionate enough about it, I feel it needs repeating. But it does annoy me sometimes....especially since I think I am probably annoying others. Oh well.

Another thing that annoys me that I have all of a sudden been doing a lot lately for whatever reason.....although this is pretty funny, too.....and I apologize for the that I have been putting on my underwear on inside-out ALL THE TIME now!!! What is wrong with me? Am I going blind? Am I still half asleep? What, I turn 30 and I can't bloody dress myself anymore?

I am so screwed when I get old. Hubby is totally going to have to take care of me.



ETK said...

Hey Crazy Lady. None of that crazy inside-out underwear when I'm in town, ok? :)

Ian said...

I tell the same stories all the time. Except with embellishments and new, possibly made up details. Then it's not a repeat, it's a revision.

Oh, and in the spirit of TMI, I had my underpants on backwards the other day. I felt very clever standing at the urinal poking about in my zipper.

meno said...

My brother is a repeater. But i love him all the same.

Tink said...

I hate when you realize your underwear is inside out halfway through the day. I can never decide if I should switch it around or leave it. Either way, it's going to bug the hell out of me for the remainder of the day. :)

g-man said...

I repeat stuff too, for the same reasons. (thats the nice thing about the blogs, I can look back to see if I told the story before:)

I only wear mine inside out on the second day.

Just kidding. I forget when it was that I started caring that my underwear was on right, but the times when notice that it is not it doesn't really bother me.

R.E.H. said...

I can only recall one time that I ever put my underwear on inside-out... and we shall not discuss why that was ;)

Maybe I still do it all the time, though - maybe I just don't notice...

There are plenty of things that annoy me about myself - most presently the fact that I keep promising myself to get some regular sleep, and still staying up real late every single day!

Jen said...

I'm a "repeater" too. But I like to think of it as a "revision" like Ian, b/c I embellish now and then . . .

I constantly put my shirt on backwards. I only notice 'cos it doesn't feel right. Sometimes I don't even button up evenly - yeah, people aren't staring at me b/c I'm beautiful and all intellectual when I speak; they're staring b/c I don't know how to dress properly.


Freakazojd said...

Haha, I do that all the time too!
Haha, I do that all the time too!

tt said...

you crack me up!
Umm, maybe if you put it in your drawer rightside out...then when you grab one in the wee dark hours of the morning you wouldn't have to wonder. Maybe???
A repeater....ha....welcome to lfe after 30!!

Aren't the oddities of getting older funny! Hopefully they will keep us entertained....