Friday, March 7, 2008

One of the Strangest Dreams Eva!

So, Tink wanted to know what one of our strangest dreams ever was, so thought I'd post about it & other dreams here.

Cuz... they're so weird...

Anywho, I HARDLY ever remember my dreams unless they are really scary or anxiety-type dreams like my teeth falling out (I've had that one a lot...several times during PA school). I had one last night where I was wearing the most SCROUNGIEST outfit to work! I had on a faded, thinned-out sweater and BLACK LEGGINGS that were also nasty, thinned out and one side had a hole in my inner thigh. I woke up and was all like, "What in tarnation was that all about? I don't have clothes like that!!!!!! AND WOULD NEVER look scroungy at work!!!!" I don't wear leggings. I did that in elementary school & I am NOT doing that style again. I refuse. BUT WHY HOLEY, SCROUNGY??? What was that all about???? That was totally an anxiety dream.

OK, so I think the weirdest dream I have ever had was this one......

When I was a wee youngin, I once dreamt that I went grocery shopping with my Mom after church one day and my Dad and sisters went home in our other car. So, it was just Mom & I shopping. As we come out of the store with a cart full of groceries, these 2 short, little old ladies come up to us looking like they need help. THEN, they start threatening my Mom and trying to rob us and want our car & groceries and her purse. These weren't little old ladies, they were 2 midget (or little people) men dressed as old women!!! Then I, in all my little-girl-I-have-super-human-powers-glory, I beat the living day lights outs of these small men and save my mom and the day!

How crazy is that???? I was probably like 8 or 9 when I dreamt that (so over 20 years ago) and I still remember that dream very vividly. Cuz it was so crazy!!!

I had multiple dreams throughout my childhood where I was saving family member and friends from bad people and dangerous situations. I wonder why?

Any ideas?

(p.s. for those of you who don't know me, I had a very good childhood and great parents, so it had nothing to do with them.)

What are some of your weird dreams?


R.E.H. said...

So you secretly want to be a superhero? That was one weird dream... criminal transvestite midgets... wonder what dream analysis would have to say about that? ;)

Anonymous said...

Isn't that what you are doing in your profession? Saving people from teeny, tiny, little disguised thieves that steal what is most precious to people- their ARE a superhero.
But then I'm your mom...what else would anyone expect me to say?

Jen said...

I have weird dreams all the time. ALL. THE. TIME. And, mostly, I remember them.

Last night, for example, I had a dream I could not breathe out of my nose. I was at a cafe and went into the women's restroom to blow it.

There were three red stalls in there and a full length mirror as well as a wall mirror above the sinks. I won't go into detail about blowing my nose, but let's just say I couldn't get it to clear up. I kept blowing. I also had to pull it out (like salt water taffy) and then some balls of blood came out.

It wouldn't stop. People started to walk in and I covered my nose with a tissue, but couldn't get it clear. I couldn't breathe out of my nose and I was mortifying-ly embarrassed. . . . Anyway, if I gave more details you'd be in the bathroom yourself sharing your stomach contents.

But . . what the heck does that dream mean?

Jen said...

Oh, yeah. . . I'm not sick at all. It's not like I can't breathe right now.

Tink said...

They were midgets! Bwahahaha. Ok, that's pretty funny.