Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Did you know....

...That apparently about 2/3 of cars in the H-town area are made without turn signals? Because certainly if these people had them in their cars, they would use them, right? Especially when they want to cut you off. Right?

Seriously, people! Didja break your arm? Didja forget what a turn signal is? Why do you REFUSE to use it? WHY? HUH?

I hate commuting.

BUT enjoying the job. I finally got to see a few patients on my own today, but I still can't "dictate" notes yet, so not much I can do as far as documenting.... But I am getting good practice & getting used to presenting to my surgeon.

Speaking of surgeon. Tomorrow is my first day (since my PA school clinical rotations) to be in the OR. Yeah! 3 liver resection surgeries (meaning, taking part of the liver out that has tumor(s)). I'm excited!!!


Jen said...

Good luck with your upcoming surgeries! Nothing I could handle, but you, you go get 'em!

I thought turn signals were illegal in H-town? I mean, that has to be the reason they are not used, right?

kris said...

PA-ing = kick ass. Rock on.

Also, commuting? It took me 3 hours to go 9 miles last night and I had flashbacks on tonight's commute home. Wine and my couch never, ever looked so good.

Ian said...

I think it's because most Houston drivers are total a(rm)holes, so when they see you indicate, they speed up instead of slowing down to let you in. If you don't signal, you retain the element of surprise for your lane change.

R.E.H. said...

Oooh... I wanted to be a surgeon once, but I realized I wouldn't be able to handle it ;) Enjoy your day tomorrow!

And, turn signals - yeah, that's one of my pet peeves too - why is it so difficult to flick that lever and flash those signals when you make a turn?

Happy Valentine's Day!

ETK said...

OMG? How did I miss this post? I hate google reader. That's so exciting! I am sure you were busy celebrating V-day, but come on - your people need an update.

Commuting sucks! I'm sorry you have to go through that. my fingers are crossed that you guys will move soon. Soon!

g-man said...

Ooooo Cool beans.. Keep up the good work. :)

You'd hate commuting between Baltimore and DC. SO many issues, so little space to comment .. :)

Allison Horner said...

Jen: Thanks! My day in the OR was fun. I'll give more details soon. Seriously, H-town drivers drive me bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S!!!

Kris: Welcome to my blog & thanks for the compliment. I think PAs kick bootie, too. ;) Commuting stinks. P.S. - Love your blog! Wish I could enjoy a nice bottle of wine with you! :)

Ian: H-town drivers are TOTAL ARMHOLES!!!! ug! and ug again!

REH: Yea, being a surgeon takes A LOT of committment & schooling & a lot of mental strength. Not sure I could have gone that route. I am perfectly happy being a surgical PA. :) Happy Vday!!!

ETK: Google reader & blogger are being stupid. I had no idea people had commented on this post until I looked at my blog this morning. I got no emails about it! I will try to post a more lengthy, descriptive post this weekend. I hope we can move closer sometime this year, too.

G-man: Thanks, g-man! So, far I am enjoying the job. I have a lot to learn & it is overwhelming, but I know I will love it. COMMUTING STINKS!!! I think you & Kris commute near the same area.

tt said...

Yay for you AGAIN!!
I'm so glad you're busy doing what you love again.
Yeah, a lot of ppl here got those defective cars too. What's with that?? Just like Stop signs are only for those 'other' people...right??? Don't even get me started

Anonymous said...

Seriously! It's on the car for a reason people! Use it. It drives me nuts when people don't use it. AND when they cut you off! That distance between my car and the one in front of me was NOT an offer for you to swoop in.

Commute suck, but I'm glad you're enjoying your job. Hope you had fun being knee deep in livers. :)