Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Worst illness ever

Ok, not really. But man, this is the sickest I have been in a long time. I am usually quite healthy and only get the occasional cold once or twice a year. This clinical year, I get sick almost every new rotation, but this current one is kicking my bootie. I was not improving as quickly as I normally do and was still running a fever here and there, so I finally went to the doc yesterday. I actually was seen by a very nice PA whose Alma mater is my current PA program. She set me up with Omnicef (a 3rd generation cephalosporin antibiotic), some nasal spray, and a dexamethasone (steroid) shot so I could breath better. I am breathing much better today, with only a slight sore throat, runny nose (new word for you: rhinorrhea) and cough. I called the physician that I am working with this month, and has been INCREDIBLY understanding and great. Even though I am much better today, he insisted that I stay home today for another day of rest. Luckily I can make up the missed days over the weekends. Yes, I am actually happy I can make it up. I need the education!! Cardiology intimidates me, and I want to learn as much as I can this month!!!


Anonymous said...

Welcome to my world.

***Except the husband is MY human petrie dish.

Feel better!

Anonymous said...

Glad you finally went to the Dr. I understand Health Care Professionals can be quite stubborn about getting treatment for illness's...ahemmm...
Keep your Jammerz on and eat lots-o-chicken soup.;)