Monday, December 11, 2006

Keeping the holiday spirit isn't always easy...

So, we finished most of our Christmas shopping. THANK GOD!!! I actually enjoy shopping and love buying things for other people, but it is difficult to enjoy it this time of year!! I don't know what it is about holiday shopping that brings out the stupidity and evilness in people. People all of sudden lose the ability to drive (not that Houstonians are very good at driving anyway), they shove through people in the malls, and just are oblivious that there are others walking near them. Some are just plain RUDE! The hubby & I went to dinner the other night with my parents at Cheesecake Factory in The Woodlands, and as we were patiently waiting in line at the hostess stand to request a table, this JACK@$$ cuts not only in front of us, but also the ELDER gentleman in front of us to request a table. I thought this was a holy and happy time of year. WHY does it bring out the scroogy, rude, stupid people???? grrr!

Also, this time of year at the mall also reminds me how much I DO NOT want any children of my own. Now, please don't think I hate children. I don't. I think they can be absolutely adorable. BUT too many cranky, screaming children in crowded areas just reminds that I definitely don't want any of my own. I don't know how parents do it. I just don't think I would have the patience for it. I definitely admire those who do it & do it well. :)

Sorry for the rant. I promise I am not a scrooge. I LOVE LOVE LOVE's my favorite holiday!

Well, I better get started on gift wrapping & prepping for our ski trip. Just a few more days.....

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