Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's coming along


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Update on the Build Process

For those of you that don't already know...

There has been a COMPLETE change in our home building. We fired our last builder.

Yep! After 6 months of delays, all we had was a slab of foundation. That's it. The hubby finally got some straight answers a week and half ago. The builder's lending institution that gives them money to build homes went under. The builder hasn't gone under (yet), but they have no money to continuing/start building right now. We were told that they may not get any info for another month or 2. We didn't want to wait around to see if they could or could not continue with building our home. So, we fired them. THANK GOD we will be getting our deposit back.

We did not own the lot yet that they were building on, they did, so we don't have to stay there. We did look at other homes and home builders in that neighborhood and just simply didn't see anything else we liked.

We did a few more searches and looks at pre-owned homes, but we really don't want that. That's why we decided to build a new home in the first place. We want it exactly the way we want as we move in. We don't want to spend a lot on a house just to turn around and renovate it. That just isn't our thing right now.

So, we went back to another neighborhood & builder we had highly considered before this home. We really like this other neighborhood as well and found a nice lot. We didn't waste any time. We signed a new contract last weekend and the ball is rolling again. Our appt with the design center is tomorrow and within the next 2-3 weeks we should have our pre-construction meeting and shortly there after, we should have another slab. This time.... it won't take 6 months just to get to that point!!!

Let's all hope and pray this one works out. Hubby and I are very anxious to have our dream home.

Here are some pics of the house plan and the lot we picked....

Monday, February 2, 2009


It seems slow-going, but there is progress on the home. We should FINALLY have the foundation poured this week.

Monday, January 19, 2009

It's Official

The Hubby & I are HUGE dorks...

We actually arrived at Target 15 minutes before they opened yesterday just so we could grab one of ten Wii Fits they were getting in stock. DORKS!!!

This all started when we were there on Saturday looking at Wii stuffs and this strange Target employee leans into us and says, "hey....you interested in getting a Wii or Wii fit?" They were clearly out of stock. "Well, we are interesting in getting a Wii Fit, " we say. She looks around in a strange way as if she was trying to sell us crack or something. "We are getting a shipment of 10 Wii Fit in for tomorrow morning. But we'll only have ten!"

So, we were dorks and ACTUALLY got there early to grab a Fit. I am going to give it a try today. I am sure it won't be the magic trick I need to loose these 10lbs, but I'll try it!

We are HUGE dorks!!!!

p.s. Not much progress on the home. UG! Of course I will update when something more happens...