Wednesday, January 16, 2008

WWC & Technical Annoyances

A day late and a dollar short....but here it is...

The Weekly Words' Challenge is brought to us by the ever so beloved Tink over at Pickled Beef.

This weeks' words are SQUARE and SOFT.

The words for next week are:

Envy and Triangle

If you haven't joined the fun, go here for details.

Now on to the annoyances. So, I was noticing the other day that Google Reader does NOT correct any post-publish edits one has made to their blog. GRRR! So, if anyone only reads your blog from their Google Reader, they won't see the edits you have made to your blog. This means I need to be MUCH better at proof-reading before I click publish AND my pals that read my blog from their reader, you need to come to my blog! :)

The other thing that annoys me, is the spacing issues once you have uploaded pictures. It takes me forever to get it right and even sometimes then it doesn't come out right. GRRR again! AND sometimes my paragraph spacing gets all screwy once I have placed pictures in between my paragraphs. Does anyone have any suggestions for me to help prevent these spacing issues????

Peace out homebloys!


Jen said...

I'd have to check out you picture setting. Do you leave it on "none", "center", "left" or "right"? And how do you upload, for example, one at a time or jumble all together in "add more"? I don't think the size matters in this case.

Hmmmm? I wonder why picture loading is your PITA (pain in the a**)?

We will figure it out.

Yeah, and thanks for the heads up on google reader. I noticed the other day that if someone has posted then deleted a post GR keeps it there forever and ever and ever and ever (or at least the title and first sentence or so). I always go over to the blogs and read it though - no worries there!

I love your WWC. Still haven't done mine. . .

Allison Horner said...

I usually use the "left" or "center" when adding pictures.

I just always have difficulties with getting the sentences around the pictures spaced correctly. The preview always looks different than the actually posting. Also, sometimes the spacing between sentences changes for some reason after I have added or moved photos. Weird! BUT I think I have found a solution to this.

Yah, I am going to continue to use the reader to see when people post, but will read it from their blog.

You need to rejoin WWC. I miss your photos!!!

R.E.H. said...

Great pictures! Love the dog's new "haircut".

And, I too, hate the way spacing and pictures mess up your posts. Sometimes I have to spend ages correcting all the additional useless code that sneaks in there.

Even when you edit in HTML mode - if you switch to compose or preview mode, things will blow up in your face when you return.

That's the #1 thing Blogger needs to improve, before I go crazy!

Real Live Lesbian said...

Great pics! The bows are just precious!

Tink said...

Oh the bows are just too much! That poor dog. She looks about as happy as mine does when I stick him in a bra.

I love the scale photo. That is a square I loathe. Dead to all scales homebloy!!

Allison Horner said...

REH: I think I have solved my photo placing issue. It is a bit more tedious, bit it works. I open a new "new post" window & paste the pictures & then I copy the html format of the picture from that window and paste it into my original post's html format window. It worked!

RLL: She HATED the bows! LOL!

Tink: It was cute for a few minutes, but it is so not Merlah (my dog). I do not know why the groomers do that to her. Poor girl. She is an Australian Shepherd Mix & is much more tomboyish (I decided). I think the girly bows are better on small poodles and other little "rat dogs." HA! Bra on your dog??? LOL! you need to post a pic of that!

Yes, DEATH to all scales! They are evil!

Anonymous said...

i've noticed those errors too. Drives me nuts.

Anonymous said...

I use picasa when I have to load a bunch of photos, the compose window is easier to navigate and then you can finish the post off in blogger if you want. No draft autosave though. Manipulating the html helps sometimes too, but it is a bit fiddly.

I'm not being rude by not mentioning the wwc pics by the way, am on my mobile and can't see them for some reason.


Allison Horner said...

Cinn: Wazzup my fellow GQ! ha! I am still feeling your pain. I lived it not too long ago....

Ian: Thanks for the tips. I use picasa somtimes to upload photos, maybe I need to stick with it.

Aww, I feel loved in that you like me enough to read me rambles on your smart phone. :)

tt said...

peace out homebloys!
I think you're going all hippie on us. Better not tell ETK.
I love Merlah Dog and Marci....they even look soft in the pics.
Squeezers to them!

Allison Horner said...

TT: Actually, I'm a little more ghetto and a little less hippy. LOL! Homebloys was a word Tink made up one day. It's short for home-bloggers or something like that. Kinda like homeboys.

I know, aren't my furballs so cute & soft & fuzzy???? :)