Monday, September 3, 2007

Flip-Flops and Tex-Mex

These are a few of my favorite things!

I've had one of those "I am blessed" weekends.

So, why flip-flops & Tex-Mex? Hubby & I had one of those "we don't live extravagantly, but live well" conversations on Saturday while eating at Ninfa's for lunch in our casual shorts & flip-flop gear. We have those moments every now & then where we realize how much more blessed we are then most. We may not financially be the wealthiest, but we are very happy & heading in a great direction with our life. We have everything we need, and anything else is just bonus.

To add to that, I had a dream last night that my life was different. I had never met hubby & was married to a previous person I dated. I was absolutely miserable! In that dream or nightmare...I was in a loveless, passionless marriage & I had to do EVERYTHING around the house. It was horrible. Needless to say, I woke up this morning, cuddled the hubby, & told him how lucky I am to have him in my life. I am often aware of this, but dreams like that (of which I had never had) can definitely make you realize even more just how lucky you are.

Yes, we are blessed with our Tex-Mex, flip-flop lovin' life. :o)


tt said...

sometimes dreams seem better than reality. But, in your case I'd say not. What you two have is very special. I know it will always be there too! :)

Jen said...

I love days like that! They completely make up for the bad one's.

I despise nightmares like that. I've had more than one sorta like the one you had. The husband has had them too. We talk about the dreams, b/c they usually bother us so much.

We, too, are lucky to have one another!

Great post!

P.S. love me some flip flops and tex-mex too (even though these days I gotta have me some Zantac with mexican food. . . . getting old. ***sigh***